Friday, June 5, 2015

The Business of Writing Words

Writing is sober business. Are my thoughts worth sharing?

Do my words speak life or death? Do they teach the ones who listen? Do they comfort the feeble-minded? Warn the unruly? May I never speak an empty word.

Writing is much like cooking. I use the raw ingredients of words, season them with grace, and present them to the partakers. I want you to savor the idea, to wince at the peppery truth, to delight in the harmony of flavors. I want you to taste and see that He is good. I want to lay out the cloth napkins of love and invite you to my table so you know you are welcome at His.

I wish to compose and garnish these words in a way that says Friend, you must listen! Do not stop with my words. You will be hungry for other meals, for novelties and sustenance. Go on, search the libraries of truth, but do not pass by the stories written on hearts, the ones too raw to scratch out in ink. There is a Word too supreme, too awesome, and much too enjoyable to miss. This Word is etched on hearts of flesh. It is printed on paper and shouted in the heavens.. Oh, don’t miss Him. The words, the bread and wine, the milk and honey, they all exist for Him and because of Him.

So I will put pen to paper and cursor to line, only because He sees, and I want to bear witness.


  1. MB, I confess to you that I am a BIG fan of your writings! I just love them. Your writings are the reflection of your deep thoughts and faith and are beautiful. Could you grant me permission to translate this post into Japanese? Kinuko

    1. Thank you for your encouragement, Kinuko! I find it daunting to write sometimes because words can be so powerful, and I hope I never confuse or discourage anyone. You are welcome to translate this into Japanese.

  2. Good morning, MB! Thank you for your generous permission. Yes, you are right in saying that words can be so powerful. And your words are being used in a very uplifting way.

    As for the translation of this particular essay, I decided to use feminine style (in Japanese, there is a clear distinction between male writing style and female writing style. There is an attempt to annul this distinction from feminist side but I personally believe this distinction is something special and beautiful.) and wow, it turned out to be so beautiful! Here is a link;

    Also, I want to testify one thing. Through the act of translation, God brought me into the thought-world where you live. This is a deep experience. In other words, He allowed me to dwell in and taste the richness in you. In fact, after translation, I felt I became richer inside.

    Thank you so much for your being as a witness for Christ.
